Over the past five years, WhatsApp has seen a massive rise in popularity, as the application received large scale success in a very short time, and today is literally a part of almost every handset ever.
WhatsApp has over six hundred million monthly active users, as per the August updates.
The phone has eradicated most of the IM services and now targets at the SMS and email, and has almost succeeded at demolishing their existence as well.
What lies in future for whatsapp is to look at the target segment of people who use apps for calling, or are looking for free calls. Along with that they are releasing various new features too.
New features that have recently come out include the fact that you can now mute a group conversation for a year, and you can also deactivate notifications coming from the group messages, so basically even silent notifications can be eliminated now.
Improved location sharing and chat archiving have also been introduced for the iOS. Whatsapp has now been working on the feature that most users are demanding since some time now.
The feature is the much wanted “Voice Calling”. It would be just an extension of the voice notes for them but could come as a boon to many people.
Another recent update is that they brought in the option to hide your last seen, where users will only see you when you are online or typing to them.
You can also save other users profile photos or group icons. Also, in a new feature you can now pay for other users whatsapp subscription.
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